Thursday, November 15, 2012

3: 10 to the Dance Floor (Murder by a Pen)

The pen that's deadly - I've used it to kill a handful of names
All men that once mattered, one or two with haunting ghosts
I put each name every time my heart could not contain
Names - sometimes initials - that became uncontrollably wild

The pen was not any of those men's genital; it was always mine
A psychic lady told me not to put a man's name in writing
For my own welfare, she said, else someone was betraying
The pen killed the names, one after another, sometimes altogether

Stay away from the tip of my pen, stop swaying and swirling!
Am I in love with you? How is it from the perspective of illusion?
You're young, lean, soft-voiced, and that comforting dark past
Now you're standing still, smiling. I know what's behind your back

Saturday, November 03, 2012


I accepted your offer to infuse myself with a cup of trivial joy
And with bites of of finger cookies left from last Halloween
Our souls embraced each other like a fly trapped in a spider web
I licked your youthful charm on the brim of my glass
You giggled, showing off your dimples; clothes wet but intact
And from your mouth, another proposition for another day

Monday, January 23, 2012

Kabar Angin di Sebuah Kafe

Konon katanya,
Hatiku memilihmu kerna rapuhmu
Kerna lirih liku jalanmu yang keliru
Terbuyar lamunku, ragumu,
Jadi laguku

Terbetik kabar,
Tiada hak kepemilikan hati
Yang menyanyi rona sara sendiri
Mau itu pun hanya tubuh mati
Yang hantunya meniti
Seolah ada

Ini pernyataannya:
Ketika jari menyentuh bilik jantungmu
Ia juga mengarang fabel lain
Agar matamu terbawa letih mengejar
Lalu terbang terenggut angin
Ayah sejatimu

Ini pertanyaannya:
Jika ketakhirauan lahir dari hirau,
Mengapa jiwaku kelu meragu?
Atau mungkin ini baru setengah jalan
Pasti berujung, pasrah terhenti
Lalu mati?

"Pasti begitu kan?" Tanya yang satu

Di luar masih gerimis, kopi sudah habis

"Kau ini. Tahu tapi pura-pura amnesia sinetronis!"

Yang satu lagi bergerak kepingin pipis